Multi-Building Owner

This Quebec multi-building owner converted to smart card technology to increase their properties’ safety and revenue.
Multiple instances of theft and vandalism prompted a Quebec multi-building owner to contact Coinamatic. Together, Coinamatic worked with the building owner to make their buildings safer for residents.
The Problem
Having a coin operated laundry facility can work well for certain demographics. However, sometimes the challenge of protecting cash boxes can be a burden. Even with security measures such as surveillance cameras, theft remained a problem for this building owner. As a result, revenues began to decrease.
The Solution
With revenue down and frustration up, the Quebec building owners turned to Coinamatic for help. We suggested that the owner switch to smart card technology. Switching to smart card is simple. Plus, it often has few additional costs. In this case, all we needed was a connection to the internet.
Three months after the switch our client noticed a spike in revenue.
The Result
After retrofitting the equipment with smart card readers and a debit/credit card terminal, our client saw an immediate reduction in theft and vandalism. With smart card technology, very little cash needs to be on hand, so thieves have no incentives. This was a tremendous help in making our client’s tenants feel safe. Furthermore, three months after the switch, our client noticed a spike in revenue! This put a smile back on their faces and on ours.